Monday, April 23, 2018

Long way down....elevator ride to never forget

 Long Way Down by Jason Reynolds
Image result for long way down

Jason Reynolds is truly a fascinating writer and speaker. His books  appeal to all types of readers, from athletes to quiet teens.  Jason Reynolds appeals to all. He writes about passion and hope, overcoming expectations and breaking barriers. Ghost, Patina and Sunny each blend these components and connect with every reader.
Long Way Down packs the biggest punch per page. A simple elevator ride with self-reflection, this story is heart-wrenching and eye-opening. The heaviest part is learning that this story is based on real facts from the author's life.
What decision will a child make when he has to make the biggest decision of his life? Avenge his brother or mourn him?

Well worth the read.

Want to learn more about Jason Reynolds?

Jason Reynolds on The Daily Show w/ Trevor Noah. Watch the video

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Ready Player One...the book AND the movie

Image result for Ready player one the book  AND Image result for Ready player one the MOVIE

As a HUGE fan of this book, I have to say...the book was better HOWEVER, the movie was still phenomenal. Why? Because all the major scenes were present AND the changes in the movie, made sense for the movie. 

Who will like this story:
- 80's music fans
- any person who has EVER played a video game (ever!!! from the first to the latest)
- do you like adventure?
- do you like suspense?
- do you like twists and turns in the plot line?
- do you like Syfy??
- .....pretty much applies to EVERYONE!

..and yes, Steven Spielberg helped make it pretty amazing in the graphics arena, so yeah....Read it or See it, the choice is yours :)

Happy Reading/Viewing!

Drag know you're curious!

    Image result for drag teen

You'll love JT!

Definitely for the more "progressive" reader. An adorable mis-adventure of three teens who'se only goal is to get the main character a college scholarship. The beautiful lesson: Your life is about WHO is in it, not WHAT you do! Cute story....worth the time...+ quite a few reference to Ru-Paul and other founders!

Turtles All The Way Down.....

Image result for turtles all the way down

If you are a John Green fan...then you'll love this book. 

What is a John Green fan? You love deeply intellectual analysis of the characters. Amazing visualizations of people's inner thoughts. His characters' woes are heavy and weigh on your soul well after you've finished the book. Also, I have no doubt I missed some subtleties, which I would catch on a 2nd or 3rd I'm sure John Green fans re-read his books :)

His books are not for those who like "light" reading. John Green fans like to feel the "feels"!

A memorable book (as are all his books) and recommended..however, not for the younger reader. The language is heavy and deep. Nothing greatly inappropriate.